Thursday, February 22, 2007

Poetry Journal 3&4

Title: Community
Author: John Donne
Style of Journal: Comparative Critic

S: a contemplator
O: Noticing what is good and evil in this world
A: The normal community
P: State what is good or evil
S: Good and Evil
Tone: serious

One style that is easily seen in the poem called “Community” by John Donne was the end rhymes. It seems like the end rhyme that Donne decides to use in the poem are very simple. The beauty of his simple end rhymes is mostly the fact that they add a deeper meaning to the stanza. He starts talking about the goods and sometimes good things are loved. Then he goes off into the next stanza to talk about something in the world that are good but necessarily not loved. For example he places the question where women are good and evil. In his other poem called “The Triple Fool” he also uses end rhymes to tell a story of how his foolishness is making his lover love him. In a way he is not a fool, because he talks about the foolishness things that he is doing is going to make his partner marry him in the long run and when that happens he would not be seen as a fool. Now with “Community” he continue to talk about knowledge in the sensing what is good an evil. He chose women as one aspect of being good because we need them to keep on reproducing. He talks about good things are easily seen and bad things are just waste.

Title: I love you much (most beautiful darling)
Author: E.E Cumming
Style of Journal: Literary Critic

S: Man in love
O: Expressing how much he love his girl
A: The man’s lover
P: To reveal to the girl how much he loves her
S: Female
Tone: Love, happy

The author in this poem uses internal rhyming in the beginning part of the poem. In the poem the author decides to make the end words rhyme with another word that is in the middle of that same word that is on the end. An example of the internal rhyming would have to be, “…singing welcome your coming.” Another material that I notice on the poem was multiple usage of nature. The author uses nature as a to convey the message how much he loves his partner. He even says that sunlight welcomes her and the he loves her “than anyone on the earth”. He goes on to say that she looks better than anything that is place in the sky. Nature is another style that poetics use to express their feeling to the love ones. So it does not surprise me when this author achieves the goal of making his love one love then by using nature. I have yet to see author use nature in a negative way in a poem. One reason why nature is commonly used by poets is because nature expresses love to plants and animals that seems loving. For example whenever birds or light is ever referred in poems they convey an image that is so positive that it makes the author’s audience fall in love with them.

Title: it may not always be so: and I say
Author: E.E Cumming
Style of Journal: Personal Response

S: Man
O: His girl has been cheating on him.
A: The girl that was his girlfriend
P: To express how hurt he is inside, but he does not show it.
S: Cheating of a women
Tone: sad

One style that I notice this author uses on this poem is end rhyme. All of his end rhyme seems to have a physical meaning. Much like “touch…clutch”. It seems like he chose those words to describe in action his girlfriend has been cheating with another man. One factor in this world that is hard for people that are in love to do is to accept the man or women who is dating their partner behind their back. In the poem, the main character accepts the man that was making love to his girlfriend. On his face he may not express how broken his heart his, but the author uses the bird has to show how hurt may be in the inside. In our society there have been many people that has been cheated on. In that group of people some are able to walk away peacefully, knowing that there heart is broken and there is no way it could be fixed. Once a person a person finds out that their partner has been cheating on them they start to think about the possible things their lover was doing with the other person. Imaging his lover holding hands with another person or kissing them are things that the author uses to express to his girlfriends to what he gives consent to. Even though all those actions with another man brakes his heart.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Poetry Journal Two

Title: Coming Up.
Author: Ani Difranco
Style of Journal: Contemporary Poet
S: People of low class
O: How people of lower classes not being notice.
A: Rich people of high status.
P: To send a message to the people upstairs
S: Earning equality
Tone: Sad, serious

my young daughter down stairs
sitting on the corner with a pot in her hand
thinking life is not fair
you look up and hate me
go ahead, ask if I cared
my life has been all hard work
papers, pens and two cell phones
running from place to place making people happy
im the one with the spray-paint
painting the future
you say I have gone too heavy
but this is my nature
i too am bold in my young age
my future is not yet made
sorry about your rage
you must understand that life is not all about you
you choose to stand on the 1st floor
i worked my way up
i bet you, I won’t stop
i telling you come up, come up!
so you could see how life is
in the penthouse

The poem that I wrote is taking in the position of the man up stairs. I felt compel to write this poem so that the reader could get two sides to the story. The story being the social inequality that Ani Difranco tries to convey. While my side of the same story from the man above is shown through my poem as the man showing the reader how he worked hard for him to be where he is right now. In Ani Difranco ‘s poem I have noticed that she used a lot of end rhythms in her poem to express her point. For me those end rhythms had some effect on me. It is hard to explain, but those end rhythms are those that carry the story along. In my poem I too used some end rhythm, but I don’t think it had the same effect it had on me when I saw her say this poem on Def Jam. My end rhythms are words that I think might have the same emphasis as Ani Difranco’s poems has.

Title: “ I am accused to tending the past”
Author: Lucille Clifton
Style of Journal: Literary Critic
S: History’s Mother
O: How History has the potential to help us.
A: People that want to change the past.
P: To tell how history writes its self.
S: How History was created.
Tone: Calm

What I think Lucille Clifton is trying to convey in the poem is fate. She writes about something that she had done in the past. The only difference is she, in the poem she assumes that she is innocent from her crimes, because she had no control over her own fate. She writes, “this past was waiting for me when I came.” This lyric shows how fate has a big rule in the past. Lucille Clifton goes on to talk about a baby that she named History. Well, within history as we know it in books, once the event took place, its done. There nothing we the people reading about the event that happened in the past could do to change it. Lucille Clifton describes her baby History as a child that grows up and becomes strong enough to travel out on her own. I for one think that Lucille Clifton is sending us, the reader the message that history will forever travel. While traveling and taking down event that’s happens, history has been also able to take down language of the different places it visits. Even dates and time when the events happened. Once history has written down its travels, there is nothing human kind could do to change the event. What we do have control over is reading and learning about the travel that History had taken and learning from them. The materials that we learn from History could help us shape a better future for ourselves. With History always taking down what happened, we could learn what not to do in the future to create more peace for everyone.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Poetry Journal One

Title: Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle.
Author: John G. Neithardt
Style of Journal: Literary Critic

S: Scientist explanation on life
O: Teaching of life.
A: Young children, to teenagers
P: To prove the circular motion of life and the nature around humans.
S: Talks about nature and life.
Tone: Calm and joyful

If John G. Neithardt’s message was to show the world how a circle is important in our lives then I agree. Once I realized the main message that Neithardt tried to convey, I began to think of other object that had a circular form. For some reason it was hard for me to find the rhythm of the poem. It seemed to me like Neithardt was listing all the things that was a circle to help him prove is point. If I had to choose a device the device would be that the poem contains internal rhyme. This device tells the reader that the context of the poem is set to prove the circular motions that the world takes. For example the poems talks about the human process being a circular motion. Meaning that humans first get burned, then they become adult until they are old and die again. When a person dies a new circle begins. The author even goes from something simple as season to show how things are move in a circular motion. What actually moves these objects seems to be the power of the earth. In the poem, the author does not reveal to the reader exactly what the meaning of power. I, myself took a wild guess of the power being that a new day is coming and the cycle is going to began again.

Title: Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note
Author: Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)
Style of Journal: Personal Response

S: Lonely person
O: A day in a our world.
A: Anyone who feels sorry for lonely people.
P: To explain lonely people in this world.
S: Being alone.
Tone: Sad

Even though I am not suicidal, this poem’s message connects to me a lot. There has been time in my life when I have felt alone in this world. Even when I go to church in search of God I still feel alone. The main character in the poem seems to not have a friend that he or she could hang out with. The poem talks about the main character counting the stars all alone, while in the world today you mostly see in movies where two couple would lay down and count the stars together. The poem also talks about people not caring for each other, for example when the main character has to chase the bus. One would think that the bus driver would be kind enough to stop and pick up the main character so he or she would lot be late to the place they are trying to go. As for the “silly music the wind makes”, I too have heard it. When I used to work for AAA Rental in Redwood City I had to catch the bus to get there. There’s been a couple of time when I had to chase the bus all the way to its next stop. While doing this I heard the music the air makes while I am racing to catch the bus. I remember a time when I saw my baby sister praying at the edge of her bed, the only difference is that the little girl in the poem seem to be portraying a lonely prayer. While my baby sister on the other hand had an angle look after her and praying with her. It was an amazing sight to see.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


A couple more months until college.
A race I have been running all my life,
trying to gain knowledge.
This semester I got all C's,
now it seems like the finish line is hard to see.
It's sad to see my prize being a state school,
but it is a whole lot better than those brother on the corner acting cool.
A dregree is waht I want, and a degree is what I will have.
This semester I plan to kick it to 5th gear,
and take on the 25 page paper for SRI with no fear.
This race will be finish, I might not come in first,
but I know in my heart I sure will not come in last.

Poetic Language and Poetry

I think that poetic language is language in terms of words that is express with characteric meaning. For example some may say that Shakespear uses illambic pentaminter(which is a form of poetic language)in his books. In this style of writting there seems to be a rythm that goes on in the readers head while he or she is reading the book. Now with poetry, people have different opions on whether the words should be ryming or not. The difference between poetic language and poetry, is that poetry becomes suthing to your ears when spoken out laud and poetic language has to do with understanding the author's meaning through the poem. With poetic language one may want to brake down each frase of line to understand what the author might mean.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Timo is the name.
My life is the game.
At the end I will achieve my fame.