Sunday, January 28, 2007


A couple more months until college.
A race I have been running all my life,
trying to gain knowledge.
This semester I got all C's,
now it seems like the finish line is hard to see.
It's sad to see my prize being a state school,
but it is a whole lot better than those brother on the corner acting cool.
A dregree is waht I want, and a degree is what I will have.
This semester I plan to kick it to 5th gear,
and take on the 25 page paper for SRI with no fear.
This race will be finish, I might not come in first,
but I know in my heart I sure will not come in last.

Poetic Language and Poetry

I think that poetic language is language in terms of words that is express with characteric meaning. For example some may say that Shakespear uses illambic pentaminter(which is a form of poetic language)in his books. In this style of writting there seems to be a rythm that goes on in the readers head while he or she is reading the book. Now with poetry, people have different opions on whether the words should be ryming or not. The difference between poetic language and poetry, is that poetry becomes suthing to your ears when spoken out laud and poetic language has to do with understanding the author's meaning through the poem. With poetic language one may want to brake down each frase of line to understand what the author might mean.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Timo is the name.
My life is the game.
At the end I will achieve my fame.