Sunday, January 28, 2007


A couple more months until college.
A race I have been running all my life,
trying to gain knowledge.
This semester I got all C's,
now it seems like the finish line is hard to see.
It's sad to see my prize being a state school,
but it is a whole lot better than those brother on the corner acting cool.
A dregree is waht I want, and a degree is what I will have.
This semester I plan to kick it to 5th gear,
and take on the 25 page paper for SRI with no fear.
This race will be finish, I might not come in first,
but I know in my heart I sure will not come in last.


M A Y R A said...

I feel the same way! :(

Stacy said...

You can do it, Timo! Words of wisdom from T.S.:
Timo, don't cry
You got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard
Never give up...

(Corny, I know. But it made you smile, right?)

devinkozdogu said...


I really like your use of rhyme in this poem. You start with by linking college to knowledge through rhyme (nice, I see a clear connection). Then, you follow by rhyming "C's" with "see", signifying the affect grades have on our vision of our future. You then follow by rhyming "school" with "cool" which strikes me as an intentional and ironic contrast. Your lines explicitly state that "brothers on the corner" are TRYING to act cool, but ironically going to school is a far better way of being cool. Finally, the near rhyme (or use of consonance) in your last two lines again give the reader a sharp sense of juxtaposition, allowing him/her to realize the extremity of these polar opposites.

Your poem demonstrates an inherent understanding of how rhymes operate. I'm very impressed.

*Sally* said...

I absolutely love the way in which you made this poem in a way in which we can all connect to apects of it. At least i feel as if my life right now connects to some parts of your poem . I like how you used end rhyme to connect different ideas together. The end rhyme also sets the mood to the poem and sets a positive cheerful mood. This poem lets me understand that you are determined to take on our senior year and make it the best, which im sure you will!!!!! Great job Timo, hope to see more of your poetry!!